Expert agréé en tapis et tapisseries
Gallery Ysmailoff opens its first store in Bordeaux, followed by the opening of the second one in the heart of Paris, not far from the Eiffel Tower, in the Swiss Village. It is indeed a gathering place for antique dealers, decorators and art galleries, considered unique. Since 1900, this exclusively pedestrian area welcomes lovers of classical and modern art, offering fans a wide selection of art and collectibles.
Its hanging gardens and endless patios offer visitors intimate and serene
walks conducive to discovering the arts and their history.
Ysmailoff Gallery is specialised in antique rugs and tapestries. It receives international customers, individuals, interior designers, passionate and collectors.
This Gallery is the result of a long history intimately linked to the Ysmailoff family saga. Started a century ago by his patriarch, native from the Caucasian mountains, it has achieved its fulfillment with this gallery currently directed by his two sons. One welcomes, expertise and advice, the other deals with the restoration by hand, while respecting the ancestral traditions which made the rug an incomparable work of art.
The two brothers, very accomplices, collaborate since always pursuing their passions to safeguard this legacy.
Expert with C.E.A. (Compagnie Expertise en Antiquités) since 1986
Member of C.E.D.E.A. (Confédération Européenne Des Experts d’Art).
According to tradition, the process of restoring an old rug, is

This Persian rug (Tabriz) with its